Product information

The product under development is a passenger car hard-top trailer cover that doubles as a boat and a sled. In spring 2020, the Estonian Patent Office registered the product as a utility model.


The design takes into consideration all of the prescribed functions (cover, boat, sled). The product is made of marine aluminium, which ensures sound construction and a light weight. The lifting cylinders installed on the sides make it easier to lift when being used as a trailer cover.
The cover is attached to the trailer using six connections: front hinges (2 pcs), lifting cylinders (2 pcs) and rear clamps (2 pcs). All of the connections have been designed to be durable and so that the removal and re-installation of the cover on the trailer is as user-friendly as possible.

Kontikiboats yleval

The cover can be removed from the trailer by opening the rear clamps and front fastenings and locking the side cylinders. Upon removing the cover, the lifting cylinders remain attached to the trailer so that they can be conveniently fastened to the cover when reattaching it to the trailer later.


In order to increase capacity and stability, the product has a flat bottom and easily removable seats. For the purposes of water safety, the front and rear seats feature integrated waterproof storage compartments, which keep the cover afloat even if it is filled with water when being used as a boat.


Thanks to the reinforced rear (stern), the boat can be fitted with a motor that can easily be transported in the trailer box.

By purchasing a multifunctional trailer cover, you do not need to buy a separate:

» plastic trailer cover
» small boat; or
» boat trailer

Specification list

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Who could use such a product?

One of the main target groups are hobby anglers who do not need a separate small boat, a boat trailer or a trailer cover when purchasing a car trailer and a multifunctional cover.


A regular box trailer provides a good opportunity for transporting fishing equipment and the boat motor. The vessel is spacious, stable and sufficiently light for quick and convenient removal from and installation on the trailer. All equipment required for fishing fits into the boat and thanks to its wider bottom it can also be used in very shallow waters.


Additionally, the product is well suited for users (divers, rescue personnel, etc.) who require a vessel that is sufficiently spacious and compact for transporting equipment, victims, etc. The product is also suitable for all other users who every now and then wish or need to move around inland or coastal waters safely and conveniently.

Special needs?

We can also offer color combinations and boat accessories according to special wishes.




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Cooperation partners
The prototype was built mainly in cooperation with the TalTech Small Craft Competence Centre (SCC) and Alunaut OÜ.
Help with registration as a utility model and preparation of the documents required for submitting the patent application came from KOITEL Patent & Trademark Agency.
Kontikiboats project is funded from European Regional Development Fund with 6000 euros.
Kontikiboat is a multifunctional car trailer cover that can also be used as a boat and sledge.
The objective of the project is to build a prototype and submit patent application.